Consultation for Clinicians in contemporary psychoanalysis and couples therapy
Psychoanalytic consultation is professional and confidential. I will work with you in understanding what is being communicated unconsciously and being missed within the conscious discussion. Learn different ways of listening and ways to deeply understand your patient. Together we will discuss therapist-use-of-self, transference, countertransference, projections, projective identification and enactments. Understanding and exploring what the patient is trying to communicate can open up new possibilities for exploration, growth and healing. Learn how to work deeply in the present emotional moments within your sessions.. My psychoanalytic clinical training is in British Object Relations with an emphasis on Winnicott, Meltzer and Bion and Salmen Akhtar. Post analytic training, I consulted with an Argentinian training analyst, Robert Oelsner MD both in a study group and individual consultation for over 10 years. At this time I am in an integrative consultation group out of Chicago. I have supervised trainees for the past 12 years at PPTP (Psychoanalytic psychotherapy training program). My fee is $145 for 45 minutes.